Panel 1:
Kate comes in the front door, exhausted, still in her ninja uniform (no mask, though).
Angel (running to meet her): MOM! You made it hoooome again! Did you get any scars?
Kate: Only on my pride.
Panel 2:
Angel is hugging Kate, and Kate’s leaning down to hug him.
Joel (coming over): You missed a nice family picnic today.
Kate: Really? It was 43 degrees out.
Portia (off-panel) (shouting): Eg-zactly!
Panel 3:
Kate (to Angel): I guess your sister didn’t have the best time.
Joel: We all had a great time!
Portia (off-panel) (shouting): I had a terrible time! You ruined my day!
Panel 4:
Joel (shouting back to her): When you’re older, you'll think back and miss days like this!
Portia (off-panel) (shouting): Wow, Joel—you must expect my life to turn out really miserable!
Kate (off-panel; left, of the panel): I’m taking a shower.
Angel (heading in the opposite direction as Kate / to the right): I’m building a trebuchet!