Panel 1:
Joel: C’mon, everybody! Family field trip time!
Portia: What? No.
Angel (putting away his toys): To the fieeelds!
Panel 2:
Portia: He didn’t mean an actual field, Bonzo.
Joel (yoinking): Well, actually—yes! Family picnic! And no Kindles.
Angel (putting on his coat): To the minefield! To the battlefield!
Panel 3:
Angel (tying his shoes): By way of magnetic field! To make a field goal!
Portia: Come on! The whole point of “outside” is it’s a nice place to read! What else is there even to do?
Joel: You’re just gonna have to find out, huh? Lucky for you…
Panel 4:
Joel (proud of this joke): …your dad’s something of an expert in the field.
Angel (holding up both hands to his dad): High ten!
Portia looks like she could kill them.