Panel 1a: Split in two. We’re in the kitchen; Kate is taking muffins out of the oven. Trish, sitting on a bar stool, is reaching over to grab one before Kate’s even set down the tray. Angel walks in and notices Trish. Startled. Shocked. || Trish (off-panel): Aren’t you little miss domestic. || Kate: Yeah, or hungry. || Panel 1b: Kate (off-panel): Ever see that film with the girl and the thing and she bakes, or something? || Trish: ...Oh yeah, it's one of my favorites. || Panel 2: Two horizontal panels, split by a dramatically angled gutter, like an anime or a VS fighting game. The Top Panel is an extreme close-up of Angel’s eyes, glaring at Trish from the left side of the frame (looking to the right). The Bottom Panel is an extreme close-up of Trish’s eyes, glaring back at Angel from the right side of the frame (looking to the left). || Angel: Auntie Trish. || Trish: Angel. || Panel 3: Back to normal. || Kate: Children, no fighting. || Trish (facing Kate, turning away from Angel nonchalantly/superiorly, taking the high road): Oh, I don’t start fights with 9-year-olds. But I do end them. || Angel (with his finger and his thumb in the shape of an L on his forehead): Byyy losing! HA! Sick burn. || Panel 4: Trish chases him with an evil grin and Angel flees. Kate, left behind, is exasperated. || Trish: Let’s see if you’re so witty after I tickle you into insanity! || Angel: NOOOOO! PORTIA, I NEED A TEEEAM-UP! || Kate: Trish...